PFA (Fly Ash)
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), or fly ash, is a byproduct of burning pulverised coal in power plants. Collected from flue gases, it serves as a valuable additive in cement production. By replacing a portion of Portland cement with PFA, manufacturers can enhance the strength and durability of concrete while also reducing costs. This not only leads to significant savings in production but also promotes more sustainable construction practices by lowering the carbon footprint.

Raw coal is first transported to coal power plants, where it undergoes a combustion process to generate energy.

The raw coal is ignited in the power plant's furnace and burned at high temperatures. As the coal combusts, it breaks down, producing heat for energy generation and creating various byproducts, including the fine particles that will eventually form fly ash. Reaching the correct combustion temperature is crucial to ensure efficient burning and optimal fly ash production.

In the third and final step, the coal is completely burned, leaving behind fine particles known as fly ash. This fly ash is collected from the exhaust gases using filtration systems, such as electrostatic precipitators or baghouse filters. The collected fly ash, now free from impurities, can be repurposed for various industrial applications, such as in the production of cement and concrete.
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